
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Three (3) Important SEO Plugins for your Wordpress Blog

SEO is on the tip of the tongue of every webmaster. Even experienced some webmasters find SEO a complete fuddle (including me). Another plus point is that to gain traffic you have to rely on a search engine for sure so SEO is much required if this is the scenario.

WordPress is a decent platform to start blogging and notifying search engines. And to add icing to cake, you can literally avoid thinking much about your onpage SEO score using these plugins.

In my opinion these 3 plugins are a must have for every wordpress blogger. Here lets have a look

All in One SEO Pack

This is the best SEO plugin for your blog. It basically allows you to set the most commong SEO things for your blog like the titles, meta tags, keywords, and descriptions. Allows you to configure them for your entire blog or on a post by post basis.


Often you keep changing permalinks on your blog like for instance when you add some categories or something else. And this leads to break of your previous links on your blog. This plugin does te redirecting the visitor to the new permalink thing. means even if you forget to update an old link in your post the plugin will redirect the user reducing the amount of traffic you get to pages that doesn't exist.

SEO Smart Links

SEO Smart links is a cool plugin allows you to specify a word and then link it to a post on your site. Then each time the word appears on your site, its automatically turned into a link you specified

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